Simple Explanation of Python Inner working

Explanation of Python Inner working

  1. High-Level Language : Python is a high-level, interpreted language, meaning you write code in a human-readable form, and Python takes care of translating it into machine code.

  2. Python Interpreter :

    1. Your Python code (.py file) is fed to the Python interpreter.

    2. The interpreter works in two steps :

      1. Compilation: Converts your Python code into bytecode (a lower-level language stored as .pyc files).

      2. Execution: The bytecode is executed by the Python Virtual Machine (PVM).

  3. Dynamic Typing : Python doesn't need you to define variable types. It decides the type of a variable during runtime.

  4. Memory Management :

    1. Python uses a built-in garbage collector to automatically manage memory.

    2. It clears out unused objects to free up memory.

  5. Modules and Libraries : Python uses a huge collection of pre-built modules and libraries to speed up development.

  6. Interpreter Variants :

    1. CPython (default) : Written in C.

    2. Jython : For Java.

    3. PyPy : A faster implementation using JIT (Just-In-Time) compilation.

  7. Portability : Python is platform-independent; code written on one system works on others with the same interpreter.